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Spring is here, the kids will be out of school soon and it is time to think about getting a puppy! Take Bess, for example. She is a 4-month-old Siberian Husky mix who will be a medium to large…

Howdy! I'm Jeremy and I am just the sweetest lover boy! As you can see I have an infectious smile and expressive eyebrows. I absolutely love my people, car rides, hikes, and adventures! I also…

The renewal of life with the warmth of Spring calls for celebration. Fittingly, my tastings for this column revealed numerous wonderful wines, perhaps the best set I’ve ever included in a sing…

Reflecting on the tough winter in northern Arizona and the seasonal confusion amidst topographic diversity, Peter Friederici contemplates commitments and the eventual payoff of enduring the cold.

America faces a rising anxiety problem, exacerbated by a loneliness epidemic and pandemic trauma. Doctors propose strategies to combat anxiety, including mindfulness and healthy relationships.

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