Bay Area Travel & Wine Auction
The Bay Area Travel & Wine Auction is now open! Online bidding for great values has already begun, culminating in a live TV broadcast event May 3, 4, and 5.
AT&T U-Verse Update
NorCal Public Media discontinued broadcasting on AT&T U-Verse April 12, 2024. KRCB and KPJK are available on Comcast Xfinity, Direct TV, over-the-air, and free NorCal Apps.
Donate Today!
Make your donation today to support the high quality, educational programs and locally produced shows from NorCal Public Media on KRCB TV, KPJK TV, and KRCB 104.9 FM Radio.
NorCal Classic Movies
NorCal’s NEW Classic Movie collection contains treasured dramas, horrors, comedies, westerns and more! Watch Fridays and Sundays on KRCB and KPJK TV.
Live From The Abbey
KRCB 104.9 and HopMonk Presents have teamed up to bringing you the excitement of a live HopMonk show to your radio! Tune in once a month for performances by some of your favorite artists.
NorCal Public Media Passport
NorCal Passport is your streaming TV member benefit. 1500+ hours of your favorite programs on demand whenever you want to watch just one show or an entire series!
NHK WORLD-JAPAN Now Streaming!
NorCal is proud to announce NEW live streaming of NHK WORLD-JAPAN on the NorCal app, Roku, Apple TV and Amazon Firestick devices. Download and watch today!


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Lindsay Lou stops by for Morning Music

"Queen of Time" the latest release from Nashville-based artist Lindsay Lou was created with the help of the psychedelic mists- journeying through self discovery while dealing with many life changes. The loss of her grandmother, the break-up of her marriage and the lockdown are all faced with grace and beauty. She spent some time with Brian in Studio A discussing the process and playing some songs. See a live performance.

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